Friday 30 January 2015

Skin Care

Hey Guys,  want to talk about my skin care regime and what products I use I usually swap and change depending if I just see something I want to try out. Usually I use Simple as my skin is very sensitive and I find that works really well as it is for sensitive skin but recently I have been using the mini body shop products that I saw and just wanted to try and so far I do not have any problems with it and it doesn't irritate my skin like some sensitive skin products. In a morning I use the Aloe Calming Facial Cleanser and I find that it really makes my skin feel so soft and my dry skin just disappears. Then before I apply any make up I go with the Aloe Calming Toner just to give my skin a little bit of life before I use the Aloe Soothing Day Cream so my skin is ready for when i put my make up on for the day and it makes my skin feel silky smooth which I love. Then at night time I make sure all my make up has been removed and my face is really clean before I use the Aloe Soothing Night Cream so it works through out the night.

I absolutely love this stuff I would defiantly  buy it again to use as i have had no problems with it and I'm a sucker for my skin care as i do tend to get a lot of spots and blemishes with sensitive skin. 

Sunday 25 January 2015

new year new start

Haven't posted in a while I moved house on the 2nd January and have been really busy getting everything into place and getting the furniture in and all that stuff but I'm going to try and post more in the next couple of weeks from make up hauls and make up tutorials and getting the new and latest things so keep your eyes peeled 

Katie xo